CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
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License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
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License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* gstype42.c */
/* Type 42 (TrueType) font library routines */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gsstruct.h"
#include "gsccode.h"
#include "gsmatrix.h"
#include "gxfixed.h" /* for gxpath.h */
#include "gxpath.h"
#include "gxfont.h"
#include "gxfont42.h"
#include "gxistate.h"
* This Type 42 / TrueType rasterizer is about as primitive as it can be
* and still produce useful output. Here are some things it doesn't handle:
* - left side bearings;
* and, of course, instructions (hints).
/* Structure descriptor */
/* Set up a pointer to a substring of the font data. */
/* Free variables: pfont, string_proc. */
#define access(base, length, vptr)\
do {\
code = (*string_proc)(pfont, (ulong)(base), length, &vptr);\
if ( code < 0 ) return code;\
} while (0)
/* Get 2- or 4-byte quantities from a table. */
#define u16(p) (((uint)((p)[0]) << 8) + (p)[1])
#define s16(p) (int)((u16(p) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000)
#define u32(p) (((ulong)u16(p) << 16) + u16((p) + 2))
#define s32(p) (long)((u32(p) ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000)
/* Define the default implementation for getting the outline data for */
/* a glyph, using indexToLocFormat and the loca and glyf tables. */
/* Set pglyph->data = 0 if the glyph is empty. */
private int
default_get_outline(gs_font_type42 *pfont, uint glyph_index,
gs_const_string *pglyph)
{ int (*string_proc)(P4(gs_font_type42 *, ulong, uint, const byte **)) =
const byte *ploca;
ulong glyph_start;
uint glyph_length;
int code;
if ( pfont->data.indexToLocFormat )
{ access(pfont->data.loca + glyph_index * 4, 8, ploca);
glyph_start = u32(ploca);
glyph_length = u32(ploca + 4) - glyph_start;
{ access(pfont->data.loca + glyph_index * 2, 4, ploca);
glyph_start = (ulong)u16(ploca) << 1;
glyph_length = ((ulong)u16(ploca + 2) << 1) - glyph_start;
pglyph->size = glyph_length;
if ( glyph_length == 0 )
pglyph->data = 0;
access(pfont->data.glyf + glyph_start, glyph_length, pglyph->data);
return 0;
/* Initialize the cached values in a Type 42 font. */
/* Note that this initializes get_outline as well. */
gs_type42_font_init(gs_font_type42 *pfont)
{ int (*string_proc)(P4(gs_font_type42 *, ulong, uint, const byte **)) =
const byte *OffsetTable;
uint numTables;
const byte *TableDirectory;
uint i;
int code;
byte head_box[8];
access(0, 12, OffsetTable);
{ static const byte version1_0[4] = {0,1,0,0};
if ( memcmp(OffsetTable, version1_0, 4) )
numTables = u16(OffsetTable + 4);
access(12, numTables * 16, TableDirectory);
for ( i = 0; i < numTables; ++i )
{ const byte *tab = TableDirectory + i * 16;
ulong offset = u32(tab + 8);
if ( !memcmp(tab, "glyf", 4) )
pfont->data.glyf = offset;
else if ( !memcmp(tab, "head", 4) )
{ const byte *head;
access(offset, 54, head);
pfont->data.unitsPerEm = u16(head + 18);
memcpy(head_box, head + 36, 8);
pfont->data.indexToLocFormat = u16(head + 50);
else if ( !memcmp(tab, "hhea", 4) )
{ const byte *hhea;
access(offset, 36, hhea);
pfont->data.numLongMetrics = u16(hhea + 34);
else if ( !memcmp(tab, "hmtx", 4) )
pfont->data.hmtx = offset,
pfont->data.hmtx_length = (uint)u32(tab + 12);
else if ( !memcmp(tab, "loca", 4) )
pfont->data.loca = offset;
/* If the font doesn't have a valid FontBBox, */
/* compute one from the 'head' information. */
if ( pfont->FontBBox.p.x >= pfont->FontBBox.q.x ||
pfont->FontBBox.p.y >= pfont->FontBBox.q.y
{ float upem = pfont->data.unitsPerEm;
pfont->FontBBox.p.x = s16(head_box) / upem;
pfont->FontBBox.p.y = s16(head_box + 2) / upem;
pfont->FontBBox.q.x = s16(head_box + 4) / upem;
pfont->FontBBox.q.y = s16(head_box + 6) / upem;
pfont->data.get_outline = default_get_outline;
return 0;
/* Get the metrics of a glyph. */
gs_type42_get_metrics(gs_font_type42 *pfont, uint glyph_index,
float psbw[4])
{ int (*string_proc)(P4(gs_font_type42 *, ulong, uint, const byte **)) =
float scale = pfont->data.unitsPerEm;
uint widthx;
int lsbx;
int code;
{ uint num_metrics = pfont->data.numLongMetrics;
const byte *hmetrics;
if ( glyph_index < num_metrics )
{ access(pfont->data.hmtx + glyph_index * 4, 4, hmetrics);
widthx = u16(hmetrics);
lsbx = s16(hmetrics + 2);
{ uint offset = pfont->data.hmtx + (num_metrics - 1) * 4;
const byte *lsb;
access(offset, 4, hmetrics);
widthx = u16(hmetrics);
offset += 4 + (glyph_index - num_metrics) * 2;
if ( offset >= pfont->data.hmtx_length )
offset = pfont->data.hmtx_length - 2;
access(offset, 2, lsb);
lsbx = s16(lsb);
psbw[0] = lsbx / scale;
psbw[1] = 0;
psbw[2] = widthx / scale;
psbw[3] = 0;
return 0;
/* Define the bits in the glyph flags. */
#define gf_OnCurve 1
#define gf_xShort 2
#define gf_yShort 4
#define gf_Repeat 8
#define gf_xPos 16 /* xShort */
#define gf_xSame 16 /* !xShort */
#define gf_yPos 32 /* yShort */
#define gf_ySame 32 /* !yShort */
/* Define the bits in the component glyph flags. */
#define cg_argsAreWords 1
#define cg_argsAreXYValues 2
#define cg_haveScale 8
#define cg_moreComponents 32
#define cg_haveXYScale 64
#define cg_have2x2 128
/* Forward references */
private int append_outline(P4(uint glyph_index, const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
gx_path *ppath, gs_font_type42 *pfont));
/* Append a TrueType outline to a path. */
/* Note that this does not append the final moveto for the width. */
gs_type42_append(uint glyph_index, gs_imager_state *pis,
gx_path *ppath, const gs_log2_scale_point *pscale, bool charpath_flag,
int paint_type, gs_font_type42 *pfont)
{ /*
* This is where we should do something about the l.s.b., but I
* can't figure out from the TrueType documentation what it should
* be.
return append_outline(glyph_index, &pis->ctm, ppath, pfont);
/* Append a simple glyph outline. */
private int
append_simple(const byte *glyph, const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat, gx_path *ppath,
gs_font_type42 *pfont)
{ int numContours = s16(glyph);
const byte *pends = glyph + 10;
const byte *pinstr = pends + numContours * 2;
const byte *pflags;
uint npoints;
const byte *pxc, *pyc;
int code;
if ( numContours == 0 )
return 0;
* It appears that the only way to find the X and Y coordinate
* tables is to parse the flags. If this is true, it is an
* incredible piece of bad design.
{ const byte *pf = pflags = pinstr + 2 + u16(pinstr);
uint xbytes = npoints = u16(pinstr - 2) + 1;
uint np = npoints;
while ( np > 0 )
{ byte flags = *pf++;
uint reps = (flags & gf_Repeat ? *pf++ + 1 : 1);
if ( !(flags & gf_xShort) )
{ if ( flags & gf_xSame )
xbytes -= reps;
xbytes += reps;
np -= reps;
pxc = pf;
pyc = pxc + xbytes;
/* Interpret the contours. */
{ uint i, np;
gs_fixed_point pt;
float scale = pfont->data.unitsPerEm;
uint reps = 0;
byte flags;
gs_point_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, 0.0, &pt);
for ( i = 0, np = 0; i < numContours; ++i )
{ bool move = true;
uint last_point = u16(pends + i * 2);
float dx, dy;
int off_curve = 0;
gs_fixed_point start;
gs_fixed_point cpoints[3];
for ( ; np <= last_point; --reps, ++np )
{ gs_fixed_point dpt;
if ( reps == 0 )
{ flags = *pflags++;
reps = (flags & gf_Repeat ? *pflags++ + 1 : 1);
if ( flags & gf_xShort )
dx = (flags & gf_xPos ? *pxc++ : -(int)*pxc++) / scale;
else if ( !(flags & gf_xSame) )
dx = s16(pxc) / scale, pxc += 2;
dx = 0;
if ( flags & gf_yShort )
dy = (flags & gf_yPos ? *pyc++ : -(int)*pyc++) / scale;
else if ( !(flags & gf_ySame) )
dy = s16(pyc) / scale, pyc += 2;
dy = 0;
code = gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, dx, dy, &dpt);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
pt.x += dpt.x, pt.y += dpt.y;
#define control1(xy) cpoints[1].xy
#define control2(xy) cpoints[2].xy
#define control3off(xy) ((cpoints[2].xy + pt.xy) / 2)
if ( move )
{ if_debug2('1', "[1t]start (%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(pt.x), fixed2float(pt.y));
start = pt;
code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, pt.x, pt.y);
cpoints[0] = pt;
move = false;
else if ( flags & gf_OnCurve )
{ if_debug2('1', "[1t]ON (%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(pt.x), fixed2float(pt.y));
if ( off_curve )
code = gx_path_add_curve(ppath, control1(x),
control1(y), control2(x),
control2(y), pt.x, pt.y);
code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, pt.x, pt.y);
cpoints[0] = pt;
off_curve = 0;
{ if_debug2('1', "[1t]...off (%g,%g)\n",
fixed2float(pt.x), fixed2float(pt.y));
switch ( off_curve++ )
default: /* >= 2 */
code = gx_path_add_curve(ppath,
control1(x), control1(y),
control2(x), control2(y),
control3off(x), control3off(y));
cpoints[0] = cpoints[2];
off_curve = 1;
/* falls through */
case 0:
cpoints[1] = pt;
/* falls through */
case 1:
cpoints[2] = pt;
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( off_curve )
code = gx_path_add_curve(ppath, control1(x), control1(y),
control2(x), control2(y),
start.x, start.y);
code = gx_path_close_subpath(ppath);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
return 0;
/* Append a glyph outline. */
private int
append_outline(uint glyph_index, const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat, gx_path *ppath,
gs_font_type42 *pfont)
{ gs_const_string glyph_string;
#define glyph glyph_string.data
int numContours;
int code;
code = (*pfont->data.get_outline)(pfont, glyph_index, &glyph_string);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( glyph == 0 ) /* empty glyph */
return 0;
numContours = s16(glyph);
if ( numContours >= 0 )
return append_simple(glyph, pmat, ppath, pfont);
if ( numContours != -1 )
/* This is a component glyph. Things get messy. */
{ uint flags;
float scale = pfont->data.unitsPerEm;
glyph += 10;
{ uint comp_index = u16(glyph + 2);
gs_matrix_fixed mat;
gs_matrix scale_mat;
flags = u16(glyph);
glyph += 4;
mat = *pmat;
if ( flags & cg_argsAreXYValues )
{ int arg1, arg2;
gs_fixed_point pt;
if ( flags & cg_argsAreWords )
arg1 = s16(glyph), arg2 = s16(glyph + 2), glyph += 4;
arg1 = glyph[0], arg2 = glyph[1], glyph += 2;
gs_point_transform2fixed(pmat, arg1 / scale,
arg2 / scale, &pt);
mat.tx = fixed2float(mat.tx_fixed = pt.x);
mat.ty = fixed2float(mat.ty_fixed = pt.y);
glyph += (flags & cg_argsAreWords ? 4 : 2);
#define s2_14(p) (s16(p) / 16384.0)
if ( flags & cg_haveScale )
{ scale_mat.xx = scale_mat.yy = s2_14(glyph);
scale_mat.xy = scale_mat.yx = 0;
glyph += 2;
else if ( flags & cg_haveXYScale )
{ scale_mat.xx = s2_14(glyph);
scale_mat.yy = s2_14(glyph + 2);
scale_mat.xy = scale_mat.yx = 0;
glyph += 4;
else if ( flags & cg_have2x2 )
{ scale_mat.xx = s2_14(glyph);
scale_mat.xy = s2_14(glyph + 2);
scale_mat.yx = s2_14(glyph + 4);
scale_mat.yy = s2_14(glyph + 6);
glyph += 8;
goto no_scale;
#undef s2_14
scale_mat.tx = 0;
scale_mat.ty = 0;
/* The scale doesn't affect mat.t{x,y}, so we don't */
/* need to update the fixed components. */
gs_matrix_multiply(&scale_mat, (const gs_matrix *)&mat,
(gs_matrix *)&mat);
no_scale: code = append_outline(comp_index, &mat, ppath, pfont);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
while ( flags & cg_moreComponents );
return 0;
#undef glyph